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Welfare arrangements for students under 18


If you turn 18 before you arrive in Australia, you do not need to have welfare arrangements in place, if you:
􀀀 complete questions 1 to 8 in Form 157N Nomination of a student guardian
􀀀 have your parent or legal custodian sign the form (Form 1229)
􀀀 attach the form to your application
If you are applying for a student visa and you are under 18 years of age, you must have adequate welfare
arrangements in place. To meet the requirements of welfare arrangements, the following points are needed:
􀀀 You nominate a student guardian and complete Form 157 and Police Clearance. The nominated guardian
can be a parent, legal custodian or relative over 21 years of age as your student guardian, or
􀀀 Education provider organizes your welfare arrangements and issue a Confirmation of Appropriate
Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW)
􀀀 If your nominated guardian is applying for a student guardian (subclass TU-590) visa, both applications
should be made at the same time
The minimum period on the Welfare Arrangement (CAAW) letter must be:
􀀀 the same period of time as your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE)
􀀀 plus 7 days at the end of your enrolment or until you turn 18 on the birthday

If you turn 18 before you arrive in Australia, you do not need to have welfare arrangements in place, if you:
􀀀 complete questions 1 to 8 in Form 157N Nomination of a student guardian
􀀀 have your parent or legal custodian sign the form (Form 1229)
􀀀 attach the form to your application
If you are applying for a student visa and you are under 18 years of age, you must have adequate welfare
arrangements in place. To meet the requirements of welfare arrangements, the following points are needed:
􀀀 You nominate a student guardian and complete Form 157 and Police Clearance. The nominated guardian
can be a parent, legal custodian or relative over 21 years of age as your student guardian, or
􀀀 Education provider organizes your welfare arrangements and issue a Confirmation of Appropriate
Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW)
􀀀 If your nominated guardian is applying for a student guardian (subclass TU-590) visa, both applications
should be made at the same time
The minimum period on the Welfare Arrangement (CAAW) letter must be:
􀀀 the same period of time as your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE)
􀀀 plus 7 days at the end of your enrolment or until you turn 18 on the birthday
