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First Work and Holiday visa

Work and Holiday visa (subclass 462)

Work and Holiday visa (subclass 462)

First Work and Holiday visa

This visa lets people 18 to 30 years old (inclusive) have an extended holiday in Australia and work here to help fund their trip.
      - You must have a passport from ane ligible country
      - You can work while you are here
      - You can apply for a second Work and Holiday visa if you meet certain eligibility criteria
      - Apply from outside Aus


Work and Holiday visa (subclass 462)

First Work and Holiday visa

This visa lets people 18 to 30 years old (inclusive) have an extended holiday in Australia and work here to help fund their trip.
      - You must have a passport from ane ligible country
      - You can work while you are here
      - You can apply for a second Work and Holiday visa if you meet certain eligibility criteria
      - Apply from outside Aus

